【同义词辨析】 2017-12-26 健谈vocal-glib

vocal: implies ready responsiveness to an occasion for expression or free, forceful, insistent and emphatic voicing of one's ideas and feelings : one of the Pres's most ~ critics.

articulate: implies the use of language which exactly and distinctly reveals or conveys what one seeks to express: questioned the validity of the criticism from a critic who is himself hardly ~.

fluent: stresses facility in speaking and writing and copiousness in the flow of words: seemed ~ on any subject; or facility and ease in the use of a foreign lang: had a ~ command of idiomatic French.

eloquent: usually implies fluency, but also suggests the stimulation of strong emotion and use of fervent and moving language: moved by the ~ words of the Gettysburg address .

voluble: is somewhat derogatOry and may suggest a flow of language difficult to stem: indulge in ~ explanations.

glib: is also derogatOry and may imply an emptiness and superficiality in what is said, or untrustworthiness and slipperiness in the speaker: 例1: a ~ reply; 例2: known for his ~ tongue.

vocal发声的: 积极表达有力发声,articulate准确: 语言准确清楚表达想表达的意思,fluent流利: 强调轻松(facility)健谈(copious大量), 或外语轻松容易,eloquent雄辩: 热情动人语言, 激发激情,voluble喋喋不休: 贬义, 一串话难以断句,glib油嘴滑舌: 同样贬义, 语言空洞肤浅, 说话人油滑不可信


         2) 首字母联想记忆:VAFE VG
         妻子很高兴Wife(Vafe) Very Glad--> 变得很健谈


         3)健谈的意思是能清晰轻松表达自己mean being able to express oneself clearly and easily.